Donations, charity, tithings, etc are customary modes of income for not-for-profits, churches, poverty-action and social justice programs.
What I have come to find more often as I consider my own donation-giving and the idea of how much to who, I have had to reflect on the following - this dialog is directed in particular to my Dharma center activities, but can easily be directed at any of the kinds of organizations mentioned above.
What kind of a person am I without this organization? Who have I become and how have I benefited from what this organization has given to me? How can I help to continue to make this available to others?
Too often in the west, it seems we overlook the impact of such places when no price tag is attached -- as if we have forgotten how to generate our innate generosity. But the most powerful statement for me is -- who do I become (what are my inherent dependent-arisings) without this help, community, experience?
Give to world peace. Merry Christmas.