Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Everyone deserves money.

Everyone deserves money.

Because we have been jaded by the abuses of money, prestige, accumulation, consumption, violence, destruction either against us or our own participation we hold tight to money for the perceived protection: what it can give us, what it can be for us, what it can mean for us. In other words, we have constructed a "fiat self" in which we have used paper, or "fiat currency," to symbolize our Being; paper now having the power to destroy our Being just as quickly as we have created it.

So, what about the homeless, destitute man/woman/child at the intersection, by the liquor store, at the bus stop, in the welfare line, at the SSI building, food bank? We have erected conditions like the IMF and World Bank, "I will give him money if he buys food with it or uses it to get back home but not for booze, not for drugs, not for cigarettes." WHY NOT? Why stop "3rd world" countries from nourishing their local industries and support internal infrastructural changes, possibly finance a few mistakes? Why police others to live ascetic lives? -- Maybe to manage and monitor the money to fund more essential needs for more people-- but we don't even do that (at least I don't when I drive by trying not to make eye contact).

EVERYONE DESERVES MONEY. Just as we all deserve the dignity and integrity of birth and exploration.